Personal Training with Jenna
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My Certifications

ISSA Certified Elite Level Personal Trainer

It's no secret - fitness training has been proven to prevent disease, strengthen your health and improve your confidence and outlook on life. As a trainer, I take the guesswork out of which type of exercise programming is optimal for meeting your goals, make sure you know and can perform the correct form in all movements, and offer daily support and accountability as needed. 

Certified Yoga Instructor

My fitness journey began with yoga, shortly after, I trained to get my CYT, and have been teaching yoga ever since. I've always been impressed with the physical effects of yoga as well as the positive effects it can have on mindfulness and mental health. 

ISSA Specialist in Sports Nutrition

A good exercise program is only half the story. Equally important is proper nutrition. Synthesizing a cutting-edge, scientifically sound diet and nutrition regimen will radically increase the effectiveness of your exercise training sessions. As a certified specialist in this area, I can help you reach your performance goals faster than you'd previously imagined possible.

Bodybuilding Specialist

When most individuals think about the sport of bodybuilding, images of big, dumb guys grunting and throwing weight around are often conjured up. This could not be further from the truth! Bodybuilding techniques are a mix of athletics, science, and art. As a specialist in this area, I can provide training, recovery, motivational, and nutritional strategies to help you achieve maximal muscle growth and optimize physical appearance. You do not have to be a competitive bodybuilder to utilize these strategies! 

ISSA Certified Genetics-Based Program Designer

Whether your goals are weight loss or athletic performance based, your genetics are the only constant the workout program should be based on! As a certified specialist in this area, I can provide you with the genetic test to uncover your individual needs. Based off those results I can build a personalized fitness and nutrition program removing all the guesswork to help you achieve your goals.